Our Team

Jan Stanley

Lead Curator & Facilitator

Jan Stanley is a professional consultant, celebrant, and facilitator with expertise in the fields of positive psychology and organizational development. She develops leaders in organizations devoted to prosocial change and helps individuals, teams, and communities increase well-being through intentional practices. She specializes in the use of ceremony and secular ritual to foster community and help others find meaning and joy in work and in life. Jan is a faculty member in the University of Pennsylvania’s Master of Applied Positive Psychology program and a facilitator in the Penn Resilience Program. In addition to her own private practice, Jan is an advisor with the consulting practice Eudaimonic by Design. She is based in Denver, Colorado.

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Dana Kiel

Web Designer & Content Editor

Dana Kiel is a professional designer, writer, and facilitator based in Berlin, Germany. Her areas of expertise within the field of Positive Psychology are community building, burnout prevention, and social-emotional skill development, particularly for leaders who are using their gifts to create positive change in their communities and organizations. Her work is deeply rooted in social, economic, and environmental justice, drawing inspiration from the former mentorship of Nobel Peace Laureates Elie Wiesel, Rigoberta Menchú Tum, and Leymah Gbowee.